PorchLight Home Staging

Staging Homes to Sell & Live


Occupied Staging

We specialize in working with most of your own furnishings to showcase your home’s finest features.

Home buyers buy with emotion, therefore, we present your house in a light that not only immediately attracts buyers, but also allows them to visualize their life there.

  • The online pictures are so crucial to your home standing out among the other homes on the market. The pictures need to look perfect in order to get potential buyers through the door.

  • We conduct an Occupied Staging Consultation with you to tell you what should stay…what should go… and what should be rearranged. We can also give you re-design suggestions such as paint, flooring, lighting, countertops, etc..

  • Need accessory items to rent for the pictures and showings? We can help with that too. We’ll discuss this during the Occupied Staging Consultation.


Vacant Staging

We can provide your full staging needs by procuring furniture and decor, so buyers can see how the space can work for them.

It is incredibly hard for a buyer to envision living in an empty house and how the rooms can function for their lifestyle. Empty houses seem cold and deserted.

  • We give each property the attention that it deserves with furnishings and accessories. We personally select each piece of furniture and it’s coordinating accessory for the rooms. No two homes look the same.

  • We complete the look of each room with all of the decorating accents such as art work, rugs, table decor, linens, pillows and so much more!

  • We know that you only have one chance to make a great first impression and it’s our job to make your house look it’s best!